After knowing Homoeopathy the second question is that - Why should Homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy is based on principles which were evolved by Dr Hahnemann over a period of 40 years from his continuous research and studies of cases. Homoeopathy is very scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective system of healing. Homoeopathy has scientific concepts of health, disease and cure. This is the only system of healing will not produce any no side effects. Homoeopathy considers the man as a whole, not just his individual parts. Therefore, primarily homoeopathy has less appeal for the man of mechanical bent; homoeopathy offers a gentler way toward health of the entire individual. We treat the disease from its roots. Homoeopathy offers a life of service to humanity, and it is the only method of healing that surely sets the sick man and sick woman on the permanent road to recovery. We must remember that though we may fail, the failure is ours; it is not the failure of homoeopathy.
Is homoeopathy effective for Infants and Children?
Yes homoeopathy is the best solution for infants and children. Most of the children ailments like convulsions, Cold, Cough, Colic, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Measles, Dentition problems, earache, Chickenpox, Mumps, allergy, growth retardation, neonatal hypoxia etc., these complaints could be treated very effectively and quickly with homoeopathy without producing any side effects. Any medicine administered to children must be free from harmful effects. Homoeopathic medicines are 100%non toxic. Homoeopathy pills being sweet in taste, is accepted with pleasure by children. No injections in homoeopathy so save your child from weeping. Homoeopathy is child-friendly! Homoeopathy is effective also in temperament and behavioral problems seen commonly in children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well as in mentally & physically backward children.
Can surgery avoided by homoeopathy we are not against surgery.
Surgery is an art and science by itself. Surgery is called forth in the conditions where homoeopathic medicines have limited or no role. Operation can cure or improve the condition. There are number of diseases which are labeled as 'surgical', where homoeopathy works curatively and can avoid surgery. Some such ailments are: cataract(early stage),fibroadenoma breast, Septic recurrent Tonsillitis, Piles, Fissure-in-ano, Fistula, Appendicitis (except gangrenous), Chronic ear discharge, Vocal cord nodules, Polyp in nose-ear, Kidney & Biliary (small) stones, small size Uterine Fibroid, Ovarian Cysts, Warts, Corns, etc.