Dr. Malojiraje Vilasrao Tanpure
M.D. (homoeopathy), Pune University.
Professional experience 18 yrs.
I have completed my degree from Pandit Jawaharlal Neharu Memorial institute of homoeopathic medical sciences, Amravati University, Amravati. Completed MD (Homoeopathy) from Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathic College, Ahmednagar, Pune University.
Worked under guidance of Dr Anil Habbu at Pune, Dr Rajan Dube Mumbai, Dr Prafulla Vijaykar at Mumbai. I have started homoeopathic practice in 2002. I am practicing in Pune. I have seen thousands of cases of various diseases. It includes all types of cases like infectious diseases, psoriasis, diabetes, spondylitis, hypertension, skin diseases, lucoderma, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal diseases, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchitis, acidity, gastric ulcer, piles, fistula, menstrual diseases, gynecological disorders, renal failure, renal stone, prostate, eczema, ptryasis, urticaria, sexual disorders etc.
What is homoeopathy?
The first thing to come in mind after hearing Homoeopathy is that it is system in which patients are treated by giving sugar pills. Well it is not so. Let me explain you and introduce this pathy in simple and scientific manner.
Homoeopathy is the system of medicine based on nature’s law of cure which implies like cures like. The truth of this law was founded by a German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 who himself was an allopath. This system is verified experimentally and clinically for 200 years.
Homoeopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine. In homoeopathy medicines are administered on symptom similarity that is the symptoms of patient are matched with or searched for in medicines which have produced same symptoms or can produce same set of symptoms when given to healthy person. He incidentally comes to know, while translating Cullen’s material medica. Cinchona bark juice which can be used to cure malarial fever produces same set off symptoms that is of malarial fever when administered to healthy person.